What is the full spelling of the abbreviation "MSC"?
The term SES is included in the generic name MES, which applies to all IN-MARSAT terminals. The abbreviation MES is ______.
What's the name of the antenna equipment which located on the exterior of the ship?
What does ISDN stand for?
What does LES stand for?
Regarding "DNID" in GMDSS, the choice ______ is true.
What is the meaning of "DHSD" in GMDSS?
______ is the Shore ID Code of Beijing Earth Station in INMARSAT-C services in POR.
The letter D is the abbreviation for the word distress in ______.
The letter "G" in GMDSS is the abbreviation of the word ______.
GMDSS is the abbreviation of ______.
IMN is the abbreviation of ______.
What is the MID?
What does MPDS stand for?
What does ISDN stand for?