QUESTION 168 Choose the best answer. What is true about non-equijoin statement performance?
QUESTION 178 Choose the best answer. Examine this statement: SELECT 1 AS id, 'John' AS first_name, NULL AS commission FROM DUAL INTERSECT SELECT 1, 'John' ,NULL FROM DUAL ORDER BY 3; What is returned upon execution?
QUESTION 183 Choose the best answer. Examine these statements: CREATE TABLE alter_test ( c1 VARCHAR2 ( 10), c2 NUMBER( 10)) ; INSERT INTO alter_test VALUES ('123' , 123) ; COMMIT ; Which is true about modifying the columns in ALTER_TEST?
QUESTION 184 Choose the best answer. Examine this statement which returns the name of each employee and their manager: SELECT .e. last_ name AS emp , m.1 ast_ name AS mgr FROM employees e JOIN managers m ON
QUESTION 185 Choose the best answer. Examine this statement , which executes successfully: SELECTd. department_ name, ROUND (AVG ( NULLIF (e.salary,0 ))) AS avgsal, MAX(e.salary) AS maxsal FROM employees e JOIN departments d ON (e.department_ id =d. department_ id) GROUP BY .d. department_name ORDER BY 2; In which order are the rows displayed?
QUESTION 186 Choose the best answer. You have the privileges to create any type of synonym.Which statement will create a synonym called EMP for the HCM.EMPLOYEE_RECORDS table that is accessible to all users?
QUESTION 188 Choose the best answer. Examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table: Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------------------------------------------EMPLOYEE_ID SALARY DEPARTMENT_ ID NOT NULL NOT NULL NOT NULL NUMBER( 38) NUMBER ( 38) NUMBER( 38) Which statement increases each employee's SALARY by the minimum SALARY for their DEPARTMENT_ID?
QUESTION 191 Choose the best answer. Examine these statements which execute successfully: ALTER SESSION SET NLS_ DATE_ FORMAT = ' DD-MON-YYYY HH24: MI:SS' ; ALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE = '-5:00' ; SELECT DBTIMEZONE , SYSDATE FROM DUAL; Examine the result: DBTIMEZONE SYSDATE -------------------------------------------------------+00.00 11-JUL-2019 11:00:00 If LOCALTIMESTAMP was selected at the same time, what would it return?
QUESTION 192 Choose the best answer. Examine the data in the PRODUCTS table: PROD_ID PROD_NAME PROD_LIST CATEGORY_ID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------101 Plate 10 1 102 Cup 20 1 103 Saucer 20 1 104 Knife 30 1 105 Fork 30 1 Examine these queries: 1. SELECT prod_ name, prod_list FROM products WHERE prod_list = ANY ( 10 , 20) AND category_id = 1 ; 2.SELECT prod_ name, prod_list FROM products WHERE prod_list IN ( 10 , 20) AND category_id = 1 ; 3.SELECT prod_name, prod_list FROM products WHERE prod_list = ALL ( 10 , 20) AND Category_ id = 1 ; Which queries generate the same output?
QUESTION 198 Choose the best answer. Examine this statement which executes successfully: INSERT ALL WHEN SAL > 20000 THEN INTO special_ sal VALUES ( EMP_ ID, SAL) ELSE INTO sal_ history VALUES ( EMP_ ID, HIREDATE, SAL) INTO mgr_ history VALUES ( EMP_ ID, MGR , SAL) SELECT Employee_id EMP_ID , hire_date HIREDATE , salary SAL, manager_id MGR FROM employees WHERE employee_id < 125; .Which is true?
QUESTION 206 Choose the best answer. Your database instance is started with an SPFILE. A PFILE is also Available. You execute this command: ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_CACHE_SIZE= 100K; Where is the value changed?
QUESTION 208 Choose the best answer. Which compression method is recommended for Direct-Path Insert operations?
QUESTION 217 Choose the best answer. Examine the description of the SALES1 table: Name Null Type -----------------------------------------------------------------------SALES_ID STORE_ID ITEMS_ID QUANTITY SALES_DATE SALES2 is a table with the same description as SALES1.Some sales data is Contained erroneously in both tables. You must display rows from SALES1 and SALES2 and wish to see the duplicates too.Which set operator generates the required output?
QUESTION 225 Choose the best answer. Why would you use the TNSPING hr command?
Choose two.Which two object privileges can be restricted to a subset of columns in a table?