单选题 患者女性,45岁。近两年来经常头痛、头晕、耳鸣、心悸、记忆力减退、手脚麻木,近一年来于清晨睡醒时经常出现心前区疼痛并向右肩部放散。就诊时,血压170/105mmHg,心电图表现为弓背向下型S-T段抬高。此患者最可能的临床诊断是
单选题 Q4:How will the 1st speaker get to his destination?
单选题 Q2:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?
单选题 Q2:Where is his destination?
单选题 Q3:What is the weather like?
单选题 Q3:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?
单选题 Q4:What is the weather like?
单选题 Q1:Where is his destination?
单选题 Q1:What does the 1st speaker want to do?