What is the dual system of German vocational education?
A、 It combines apprenticeship in a company and vocational training in a school.
B、 It generally takes place in a secondary public school.
C、 It takes place over the same period of time on different days of the week or in blocks of several weeks.
D、 It does not charge tuition fees.
Gates advises young people to ..…
A、 get the best education they can
B、 learn how to learn
C、 take advantage of high school and college education
D、 all the above
What makes full-time secondary vocational schools different from others?
A、 They don't charge any tuition fees.
B、 They prepare students for job training.
C、 They are designed for special job training.
D、They admit full-time students.
Gates is asked many questions, except……
A、 What to study
B、 whether it's OK to drop out of school
C、 Where to get information
D、 how to guide children toward success
How long have the vocational schools in Germany been in existence?
A、 A century.
B、 Since the 19th century.
C、 Two centuries.
D、 A century and a half.
How long does the whole course of part-time vocational education last?
A、 A week.
B、 8 to 12 weeks.
C、 3 years.
D、 2 to 3.5 years.
What kind of students can attend the technical college?
A、 Part-time students.
B、 Full-time students.
C、 Graduates of a vocational school.
D、 Graduates of a vocational school with a minimum of one-year work experienc after graduation.
When Gates was in high school, he... …
A、 was always writing software
B、 attended different kinds of classes
C、 had many interests
D、 read about all kinds of things