
单选题 患者男性,68岁。因冠心病间断发生左心衰竭3年,半天来与家人争吵后心悸、气短、不能平卧,咳粉红色泡沫痰,急诊入院。体检:BP90/60mmHg,R28次/分,神清,坐位,口唇发绀,心率130次/分,律齐,两肺满布湿啰音及哮鸣音。患者来急诊时最主要的护理诊断是

A、 体温过高
B、 焦虑
C、 活动无耐力
D、 营养失调:低于机体需要量
E、 气体交换受损

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单选题 Q4:How will the 1st speaker get to his destination?

A、Take a taxi.
B、Walk there.
C、Take a bus.
D、Drive there in his car.

单选题 Q3:What is the weather like?

A、A It is foggy.
B、It is going to rain soon.
C、It is sunny.
D、It is raining heavily.

单选题 Q1:What does the 1st speaker want to do?

A、Take a taxi to the factory.
B、Go for a walk
C、Return to his ship
D、Go to visit a port.

单选题 Q2:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?

A、100 metres.
B、150 metres.
C、300 metres.
D、400 metres.

单选题 Q1:Where is his destination?

A、Post office.
B、Port Rose.
C、Peach street.
D、The factory.

单选题 Q4:What is the weather like?

A、It is foggy.
B、It is going to rain soon.
C、It is sunny.
D、It is raining heavily.

单选题 Q2:Where is his destination?

A、Green street.
B、Port Rose.
C、Peach street.
D、The factory.

单选题 Q3:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?

A、100 metres.
B、150 metres.
C、300 metres.
D、400 metres.