单选题 女性,35岁,规律性上腹痛6年,为饥饿痛,进食后缓解。一天前出现腹痛加剧,呕血、黑便。查体:血压90/60mmHg上腹部局限性压痛,血尿淀粉酶正常。该患者黑便的原因可能为
单选题 Q1:Where is his destination?
单选题 Q3:What is the weather like?
单选题 Q2:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?
单选题 Q4:What is the weather like?
单选题 Q1:What does the 1st speaker want to do?
单选题 Q3:After turning left, how far must the 1stspeaker go?
单选题 Q4:How will the 1st speaker get to his destination?
单选题 Q2:Where is his destination?